Tymo Therapy Plate training

Tymo Therapy Plate training for teachers of physical therapy and occupational therapy department  within the REHAB project

On February 12, 2020, for the teachers of  Physical Therapy and occupational therapy department of Ivan Boberskyj Lviv State University of Physical Culture in Practical Laboratory №  2, were trained  by representatives of REHAFLEX LLC , how to use multifunction system diagnostics and rehabilitation therapy upper and lower extremities of the body by Tymo Therapy Plate. Plate of Austrian production purchased by the university as part of the Erasmus + project ” Innovative Rehabilitation Education -Introduction of new master degree programs in Ukraine” No. 598938-EPP-1-2018-1-LV-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP.

Tymo Therapy Plate – a modern device for assessing the condition of patients, athletes and training to restore the balance of the body, maintain balance. Thanks to special sensors and high quality of processing, this system allows to capture and process information about movements, weight transfer and efforts during therapy and training. Thus, this system can be used with specially designed therapeutic programs to study the patient’s progress during rehabilitation, as well as to diagnose and train body balance and balance in athletes.
Tymo Therapy Plate Plate includes the following modes and features:
1. Pointing hands on the platform: allows therapy of the upper extremities;
2. Platform Seating: Allows you to perform functional workouts while sitting or standing;
3. Standing on the platform: assessment and functional therapy of the lower extremities.

Tymo Plate

Advantages of the Tymo Therapy Plate:

  • can be used in a hospital, outpatient clinic, as well as at home;
  •  multifunctional equipment that can replace a number of rehabilitation devices;
  •  different types of therapy can be performed standing, sitting or leaning on horizontal support;
  •  ability to perform static and dynamic exercises on the platform with additional nozzles;
  •  a variety of training programs that can be adjusted and prescribed individually for a patient or athlete;
  •  in-game training with audio and visual range to ensure maximum attention and motivation of the patient in the rehabilitation process;
  •  allows to estimate the force of influence, dynamics of movements and peculiarities of weight distribution;
  •  ideal for therapeutic evaluation of symmetry, coordination and balance;
  •  the system creates a card for each patient, storing the results of all his procedures in a single database.

Teachers of the department gained knowledge and experience, were able to independently test the possibility of a stable platform with students in a practical session of “Therapeutic exercises”. The department is grateful to REHAFLEX LLC for interesting, informative and useful training.

Article prepared by teacher  Rosolianka N.Ya., Assoc. proff Tizh L.M. Original article can be found from https://www.ldufk.edu.ua/ka2new/articles/trainigtymotherapyplate.html

«This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein».