Dissemination information about the project “Innovative Rehabilitation Education – Introduction of new master degree programs in Ukraine” (REHAB) and presenting it to potential LSUPC named after Ivan Boberskyj students helped to increase the number of students studying under the new curriculum. At this academic year we are training 107 masters student of specialty “physical therapy” An undeniable advantage of introducing a new master’s program is to increase the number of credits for clinical practice, which will improve the quality of practical
training of future specialists. In particular, the duration of physical therapy practices in neurorehabilitation, pediatrics and polytrauma was increased twice, each of which is eight weeks (12 ECTS credits).
The cycle of general training in the curriculum implemented under the REHAB project curriculum has been expanded with new disciplines:
- Research methods in physical therapy and occupational therapy (4 ECTS credits)
- Information technologies in science research of Physical Therapy and occupational therapy (3 ECTS credits)
- Public health ( 3 ECTS credits).
The following subjects have been added to the mandatory subjects of the training cycle:
- Physical therapy in gerontology and geriatrics (5 ECTS credits),
- Physical therapy in non-specific pain syndrome (3 ECTS credits).
The number of elective disciplines has increased, giving master students a wider choice among the disciplines that are more interested for them. New disciplines of this cycle are
- Examination methods in physical therapy,
- Physical therapy in combustiology,
- Physical Therapy of children with organic lesions of the nervous system,
- Gait Analysis: normal and pathological, selection of auxiliary means,
- The Kinesio Taping Method ,
- Physical therapy in chronic nonspecific diseases of modernity
Compared to the previous Masters curriculum, the number of credits increase for the study of such disciplines as
- Physical Therapy in Neurorehabilitation (7 ECTS credits),
- Physical Therapy in Cardiovascular diseases (5 ECTS credits),
- Physical therapy following trauma, polytrauma and diseases of the musculoskeletal system (6 ECTS credits)
In comparison, the new Masters Degree Program in Physical Therapy has 120 ECTS credits, while the old Master’s program has only 90 ECTS credits.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained there in.