Online meetings within the framework of EU projects program Erasmus + REHAB and UKROTHE, September 7, 2020 оn Skype and September 10, 2020 оn Microsoft Teams.
On September 7 and 10, 2020, members of the working groups of two EU Erasmus + program projects met online :
Project “”Innovative Rehabilitation Education – Introduction of new master degree programs in Ukraine” (REHAB), № 598938-EPP-1-2018- 1-LV-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP

- Aija Klavina, Chief Project Coordinator (Latvian Academy of Sports Education)
- Mariana Babych, member of the working group (Ivan Boberskyj Lviv State University of Physical Culture).
Project “Developing an Occupational Therapy study programme in Ukraine”(UKROTHE)

- Sharon Schillewaert, Chief Project Coordinator (VIVES University of Applied Sciences, Belgium);
- Lidia Romanyk, manager (Ivan Franko Drohobych State Pedagogical University)
- Iryna Turchyk, Nataliia Zakaliak, Iryna Kondratieva (Ivan Franko Drohobych State Pedagogical University);
- Oleh Bazylchuk (Khmelnytsk National University);
- Serhii Rokutov, Aleksandra Afanasieva (Prydniprovsk State Academy of Physical Culture and Sports, Dnipro)
During the meeting, Aija Klyavina shared best practices on the implementation of the REHAB project, invited teachers from the UKROTHE project to join REHAB Autumn Schools 2020. Mariana Babych shared the experience in purchasing equipment and books for the mini-library within the REHAB project.
Representatives of the UKROTHE project were very active, discussed the peculiarities of the implementation of their project, shared their experiences.
The coordinators of the two projects, UKROTHE and REHAB, agreed to cooperate, sharing information on projects and involving representatives of universities on projects in trainings and activities to be carried out under the two projects. Partners from Ukraine of both projects teach students in the specialty “227 – Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy”, so cooperation – the key to our success.
We thank our colleagues from the UKROTHE project for an interesting meeting and great cooperation!

«This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein».