Updates from Lviv

1. Implementation of the REHAB project at Lviv State University of Physical Culture named after Ivan Boberskyj https://www.ldufk.edu.ua/ka2new/articles/rehabimplementation.html in UA and EN 2. PT and OT Master’s students’ feedback on REHAB Winter School / Відгуки студентів магістратури факультету ФТ та

Lviv Equipment Arrives

Lviv State University of Physical Culture named after Ivan Bobersky (LDUFK) show cases their equipment for the Rehab project. The LDUFK website has information about the Equipmenthttps://www.ldufk.edu.ua/ka2resault/articles/lviv-equipment-firs-part.html View the brochure in its entirety below

Dissemination of “Innovative Rehabilitation Education – Introduction of new master degree programs in Ukraine” (REHAB) project in Slovakia.

During three days, from September 19 to September 21, 2019, Associate Professors of the Department of Physical Therapy and Occupational therapy of our University, Ph.D. Olha Bas and Ph.D. Kateryna Tymruk-Skoropad participated in the International Conference – II International Symposium

Presentation of the REHAB project to the future students of the master degree program of specialty physical therapy, ergotherapy

On mid-June 2019, members of the working group, namely the Vice-rector on scientific affairs and external relations Andrii Vovkanych, associate professors of the Physical Therapy and Ergotherapy Department – Oksana Tyravska and Olha Bass, lead expert of International office Mariana

Disseminating information on the implementation of the EU Erasmus + project “REHAB: innovative Rehabilitation Education – Implementation of New Master degree Programs in Ukraine (REHAB)”

In June 2019, the project coordinator from Lviv State University of Physical Culture named after Ivan Boberskyj, the Vice-rector on scientific affairs and external relations Andrii Vovkanych held a meeting with the teachers of the Physical therapy and ergotherapy Department.